
Collective Worship

We have a daily act of worship that takes place in a classroom or in the Church. This worship plays a key role in our daily lives and has a clear impact on the spirituality of all people at our school. It is a time to come together in order to give thanks and praise, reflect, celebrate and speak to God. A weekly rota is produced each half-term to show who is leading worship and the focus which reflects the Christian values, a MAT theme, Bible stories, and teaching (particularly from Proverbs).
The July 2016 Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist schools (SIAMS) judged Collective Worship to be good and stated, “ is regularly planned around the core Christian values and its structure places greater emphasis on providing opportunities for children to develop their spirituality through reflection and prayer.”
Monday to Thursday we have collective worship in the late afternoon as a time for quiet reflection together as a school or class. Where Collective Worship is classroom based it takes place at a time that suits each individual class. On Fridays we have Collective Worship in the local Church. Many members of the community, parents/carers, often join us and an Open the Book Team deliver a Bible story through drama and story telling once a month.
Celebration of children’s achievements also take place during Friday's worship. Our short service was written by our year 6 worship team who worked alongside the MAT RE champion. The order of service is led by the children and reflects Anglican liturgy, as well as the children’s views and understanding of the role of faith in their school and the world around them.