
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Cultural and Multi-Cultural

The provision we make to support the cultural development of our children is extensive. Their understanding of their own cultural heritage is extended through studies of Cornish art, language and literature.
Through our study of other faiths, multi-cultural focus days and our residential visits programme we ensure our children fully understand and appreciate Britain as a multi-cultural country.
We have very close links with our Church, St Symphorian and Truro Cathedral.


Our children have a clearly defined sense of right and wrong underpinned through Christian values and the teachings of Jesus. In addition, they are guided toward consideration of wider moral issues through their study themes and classroom discussion and debate.
The inspector said “The aims and ethos of the school are based on explicit Christian values, such as compassion, respect and service, and are at the centre of the school’s educational aims expressed within the mission statement ‘Caring, growing and achieving together for all our futures’. Christian values underpin all aspects of the school community, are lived out in practice, and explained consistently by all stakeholders. Pupils very confidently say how these values are helpful in their daily lives. Pupils talk about school and church enthusiastically and with enjoyment. This is because pupils are given excellent opportunities to develop their potential within a nurturing and inclusive environment which is enhanced through the strong relationship with the church. Pupils confidently describe Christian symbols displayed around the school, explaining their meaning with clarity and mature understanding. ”


Our children genuinely care about and consider the feelings of others. They take their social responsibilities seriously both locally, nationally and internationally through charitable support and child sponsorship.