
Pupil Premium

At Veryan School, our Pupil Premium funding is used to provide a level playing field of opportunity to enable all our children to access a fulfilling and empowering education, which will set them up for a successful future. This includes supporting children emotionally where needed.

We provide support in a variety of ways including our whole school approach to children's wellbeing and Trauma Informed School led interventions which contribute to ensure emotional and relational health for all.

We offer support to Pupil Premium families for school trips, visits, swimming lessons and residential excursions to help eliminate financial barriers and allow equal opportunity for all our children to participate. 

Veryan School offers Pupil Premium children, that wish to drink it, free milk, provided through our supplier Cool Milk. This is to ensure that all children are able to access a healthy, nutritional drink during the school day. 

In addition, Veryan School supplement Pupil Premium children in order that they can attend Breakfast Club, where they are provided with a healthy, nutritious breakfast for a good start to the day, along with the social and emotional experiences this creates.